表面上,瑞贝卡(芭芭拉·尼文 Barbara Niven 饰)和大多数家庭主妇一样,拉扯抚养着三个孩子,过着富裕而平静的生活,一切都看似波澜不惊。然而,在瑞贝卡的内心里,痛苦和欲望的火焰从未停止过熊熊燃烧,她的丈夫曼森(约翰·赫德 John Heard 饰)看似一表人才,实际上却是个冷漠又无情的男人,更让瑞贝卡感到失望的是,她从未在两人之间的床事上得到过满足。...
Hyeon, a high school student, writes down his feelings for his friend Dongho in his diary. Then, Dong-ho sees the diary, and the two talk to confirm their feelings for each other. Can the ending for these two be a happy one?...
Giacomo Casanova's great love Lucia leaves Italy for Amsterdam. When they meet again, she has reinvented herself as a veiled courtesan. As the former lovers reignite their passion, Lucia keeps her true identity a secret....
告别了青春时代作为私家侦探的冲动与飞扬,美丽的维罗妮卡·玛斯(克里斯汀·贝尔 Kristen Bell 饰)如今已完成大学学业,考取了律师资格证书,准备准备在繁华都市纽约大展才华。而就在此关键时刻,她得知流行歌手——也是她的高中同学——邦妮·德维尔的死讯,而多年未见的罗根·埃克斯(杰森·多灵 Jason Dohring 饰)竟然作为邦妮的男友有着重大嫌疑。以此为契机,维罗妮卡返回阔别已久的家乡,父女亲朋相见自然格外暖心,而当年张扬散漫的罗根此时已穿上军装,变成仪表堂堂的英俊男人。...
Sid grew up with his mother Arabella in a cheerful and somewhat naïve Apulian community, which was filled with affection and a great passion for cinema. After years away he returns to the land of his childhood where his mother had created a cinematic arena and this trip in his childhood memories will lead to a better understanding of her human and existential aspects....
A poor young girl living in Chile with her wheelchair-confined father and four siblings tries to save up enough money to watch movies at her local cinema....